
Consequently, with gross unemployment in the country, many do not have access to health services while some ..

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These statistics paints the grim picture of the state of our educational system and the need for intervention by public..

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Welfare Support

Given the magnitude, and dynamics of poverty in Nigeria, NAZAS has intervened by providing support for the less..

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IDP Support

The Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) are Nigerians (male and female, young and old, married and single, widow..

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ras nec imperdiet neque. Vestibulum sem libero, ultrices sit amet elit at, aliquet accumsan purus. Suspendisse interdum felis at odio molestie, at elementum nisi dictum. Donec ac ultricies nisl. Nam posuere accumsan diam, vel mattis nibh volutpat hendrerit. Curabitur ultrices auctor nisl, vel ultricies massa euismod sed. Etiam at imperdiet nulla.