Welfare is the good fortune, health, happiness, prosperity, etc., of a person, group or organization; well-being. Using the most recent welfare indicators such as illiteracy, access to safe water, food and the number of poor people. poor wellfare is widespread and severe in Nigeria as her Gross National Product (GNP) per capita is also lower, while purchasing power continues to decline with high inflation and increasing income inequality. United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) classifies Nigeria as a country with severe child malnutrition, poor child welfare and very high mortality rates. Access to education, health, water, and housing is inadequate. Recent studies indicate a worsening trend in urban welfare indicators.
Given the magnitude, and dynamics of poverty in Nigeria, NAZAS has intervened by providing support for the less privilege and indigent through the provision of funds to establish basic welfare elements such as accommodation, payment of hospital bills, purchase of drugs, free health diagnosis, and general medical support. We also provide financial support to widows for payment of school fees of their children and to boost their trade.
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